Wednesday 23 April 2014

Apr. 23 – Printmaking

By now you should be starting to test your prints by making some artist proofs.  After your proofs, you can go back and clean up your carving if you like, but once you start your good copies, you can no longer carve the block!

When you are all done your prints, you will mount the best one on construction paper, like we did for the marker drawings and prepare it for display.  I discussed how you can use newsprint to make a mini folder to keep your prints together and hand them in.

As a reminder here's are the prints I am going to mark (I have already marked your thumbnail sketches.  If you have not handed them in, do so NOW).
  • 1 artist proof
  • 3 black and white prints
  • 1 enhanced print (experimenting with different colours)

Keep practicing your proofs until you are ready and confident that you can do a good job on the nice paper!  There is a limited number of good paper available.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Apr. 16 – Printing

Today I showed you how to roll out your ink and make your prints!  It'll take a lot of practice to do it correctly so make some artists proofs and make sure you get it right before you move onto your good copies.

Here's what you need to hand in:

  • 3 design sketches (including good copy)
  • 1 artist proof
  • 3 prints in black and white
  • 1 enhanced print with multiple colours and additional paint

Monday 14 April 2014

Apr. 14 – Cutting your block

Today I demonstrated how to property use the gouge to cut your rubber blocks to make your prints.  Remember these are sharp tools that must be safely handled.  You will lose marks if you use the tools unsafely!

Here's a great video that shows how to hold the gouge and where to safely place your fingers:

The rubber blocks you are using are softer than the lino block in the video.  It should not take a lot of force to cut into your blocks.  Be careful and take the time to do it right.  The quality of your carving will effect the quality of ALL of your prints!

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Apr. 9 – Introduction to Printmaking

Great work on they clay boxes everyone!  Now we wait for the clay to dry out and then fire them in the kiln before we paint them.

In the meantime we start our new unit on print making.  Have a look at the powerpoint:
Here is a very famous print.
The Scream, by Edvard Munch.
This one was cut from wood, not linoblock like you will be using, but the idea is the same.

Have a look at your assignment and rubric.  The first step is to come up with some ideas.