Monday 17 March 2014

Mar. 17 – Gargoyles and Gods

Welcome back form your break!

Today I introduced the next assignment:

Where is this famous gargoyle?

It's at Notre Dame in Paris!  Gargoyles are mythical creatures built into buildings as a sign of protection.  Around the world we see different sculptures that are built into buildings for religious, spiritual, or cultural reasons.  Have a look at some of these examples:

Even on our own Parliament building in Ottawa:

Your task is to build a clay box and cover with sculptural images of mythical creatures.  As some examples, use the internet to search for Romanesque Gargoyles or classic Greek gods.  You can also draw from any cultural background you choose. You will need to sketch some thumbnail plans to start with and show that you have done the background searches.

Have a look at the handouts for full instructions.


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