Thursday 15 May 2014

May 15 – Culminating Summative Assigned

Only one month left before the end of the school year!

Today I introduced our culminating summative assignment that will be worth 30% of your final mark.
The project involves making your own graffiti boxes.  Here are some examples of street art to give you some ideas:

This one makes use of the shape of the box and the ticket dispenser to create a face.

The tree behind the wall is incorporated into this piece.

The alligator is shaped this way to fit around the building, making great use of the space.

Banksy is a famous street artist who's work interacts with the space around it, going off the walls around corners and through the streets.

The "space" you will be given are wooden boxes.  Your task is to transform the box with your own graffiti art.

Good luck!

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