Wednesday 12 February 2014

Feb. 12 – Digital Portfolio Assignment

The Art Department at our school has decided to use Dropbox to keep digital portfolios.  This will allow you to have a free, digital copy of all your work that is accessible from anywhere with internet access.

Here's what you need to do, visit this link and sign up for an account:
Now upload photos of your work.  That's it!

Here are further instructions about how your photos will be marked.  You will need to include a word file that describes your work.

You have the option of installing a Dropbox App on your phone or computer at home, but that is not required.

More help with Dropbox

If you're new to Dropbox, have a look at these instructions on how to upload and share your work with me.  Remember, you have to let me know you've uploaded your work by sharing the link with me.  My email address is

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