Tuesday 4 February 2014

First Class

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to Dr. G's Grade 9 Art Class!

Here's the course outline: Course Outline
You also filled out these: Student Information Sheets

Today we got to know each other a little.  All of you drew what you thought would be the ideal class.  We then talked about the type of art you will be doing this semester.

And here's the rubric for the first assignment: Portfolio Design Rubric

In the first assignment you will be decorating the portfolios that will be storing your work for the entire semester.  These portfolios must reflect you and show the world who you are.  You will be evaluated on how well you can do this and how well you incorporate the elements and principles of design.  More on that later, for now, just start some sketches to get some ideas on paper.

Sketchbooks are highly recommended, but not required.

Looking forward to a great term!

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