Thursday 20 February 2014

Feb. 20 – Breaking the rules of one-point perspective

Today we looked at more examples of the rules of perspective and what happens when you break these rules!

Remember, these rules were discovered in the 1500's by an architect named Filippo Brunelleschi.

Brunelleschi used a system of mirrors to figure out what these rules of perspectives are.

Other artists started using these rules.  Can you figure out where the vanishing point is in this painting?

After artists learned these rules, they began to break them.  An artist named M. C. Escher came along and made some amazing works that twister our idea of perspective.  Have a look at some of his work.

This last one is quite complex and takes a video to really explain what is happening.

Of course, to make these kinds of effects, you have to first learn the rules of perspective.

Continue working on your name project!

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