Thursday 27 February 2014

Feb. 27 – Work Period

Today we spent wrapping up the one-point perspective drawings.  Remember you need to photograph your finished piece and upload it on Dropbox to complete it.  Include a word file that describes your work.  Here is what you need to do:
  • Upload a good photo of your portfolio to Dropbox and share it with
  • Upload a word file with the following descriptions of your portfolio
    • Artist: (Your name)
    • Title: (title for your work)
    • Size: 8.5" x 11"
    • Medium: graphite (pencil crayon) on paper
    • Date: Feb. 27, 2014
    • Rational: (Describe the project and what you were trying to do, 50 words.)
At this point, if you are not done, it is homework!  There will not be any more class time to work on it.

Next I gave a handout on drawing facial features.  Try to copy these images into your sketch book.

Handout: Drawing Faces

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